FENDCUFFS are a type of handcuff.
There is no law in the UK that prevents civilians carrying handcuffs.
SIA security operatives have no legal powers over and above
other civilians.
Anyone who does carry handcuffs should be aware that
their use could constitute a crime, unless they can show that using them
was reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances.
Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/use-of-handcuffs-by-security-personnel/the-sias-view-on-t....
UK only, for all other countries please refer to your local laws.
Members of the public (other than constables) may only arrest for "indictable" offences.
There are 2 conditions which apply:-
The reasons specified are to prevent the person in question:-
Any force used to affect the arrest may be an assault and unlawful; and
Any force used to resist the arrest may be lawful.
Source: https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/self-defence-and-prevention-crime
Please visit the link below (23 mins read).
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