Restraints are critical pieces of equipment carried by law enforcement, corrections, and court officers. To help ensure that restraints meet minimal requirements, the National Institute of Justice published NIJ Standard 1001.00, Criminal Justice Restraints (pdf, 66 pages) in 2014 and Revision A in 2019 (
pdf, 62 pages).
(National Institute of Justice)
no longer certifies handcuffs to NIJ Standard 0307.01, nor has it ever certified restraints to NIJ Standard 1001.00. that specifies the minimum requirements for form and fit,
performance, testing, documentation, and labeling of restraints intended
to be used by criminal justice personnel to restrain subjects. It lists restraints into four types based on the intended operational use.
Type 1
Consist primarily of (1) the band or strap and (2) the retention system or locking mechanism.
Intended for temporary control when the subject is under direct observation, such as during a criminal justice correctional facility evacuation or mass arrest. Intended to be single use.
Type 2
Consist primarily of (1) the band or strap and (2) the keyed retention system or keyed locking mechanism.
Intended for temporary control when the subject is under direct observation, such as during a criminal justice correctional facility evacuation or mass arrest. Intended to be reusable for a limited number of uses and have a keyed locking mechanism operated by a standard key. Typically offer minimal tamper resistance.
Type 3
Consist of (1) the cheek plate assembly, (2) the ratchet arm, (3) the key hole, (4) the key post, (5) the locking mechanism, (6) the pawl, and (7) the chain and swivel, or the hinge.
Intended for control when the subject is not under direct observation but is supervised continuously, such as during transport. Intended to be reusable for thousands of uses and have a keyed locking mechanism operated by a standard key. Have a higher level of tamper resistance than Type 2. Are typically metallic.
Type 4
Consist of (1) the cheek plate assembly, (2) the ratchet arm, (3) the key hole, (4) the locking mechanism, (5) the pawl, and (6) the chain and swivel, or the hinge.
Intended for control when the subject is not under direct observation but is supervised continuously, such as during transport.
Intended to be reusable for thousands of uses and have a keyed locking mechanism operated by a nonstandard key.
Have a higher level of tamper resistance than Type 3.
Are typically metallic.